mirror of the now-defunct rocklinux.org

59 lines
1.8 KiB

  1. [ -e ${confdir}/${pkg}.conf ] && . ${confdir}/${pkg}.conf
  2. var_append patchfiles " " "${targetdir}/patches/xorg_hotfixes.patch"
  3. # configure the World for LVP
  4. xf_config() {
  5. echo "Configuring XOrg for LVP ..."
  6. if pkginstalled expat ; then
  7. cat >> config/cf/host.def << EOT
  8. /* Disable the internal expat library to use the system installed one */
  9. #define HasExpat YES
  10. EOT
  11. fi
  12. cat >> config/cf/host.def << EOT
  13. /* Disable the internal zlib to use the system installed one */
  14. #define HasZlib YES
  15. /* Less warnings with recent gccs ... */
  16. #define DefaultCCOptions -ansi GccWarningOptions
  17. /* Make sure config files are allways installed ... */
  18. #define InstallXinitConfig YES
  19. #define InstallXdmConfig YES
  20. #define InstallFSConfig YES
  21. /* do not install duplicate crap in /etc/X11 */
  22. #define UseSeparateConfDir NO
  23. /* build statically */
  24. #define DoLoadableServer NO
  25. #define ForceNormalLib YES
  26. EOT
  27. #/* build only the server */ // okay, this would work
  28. #// #define BuildServersOnly YES
  29. if [ ${arch} == "x86" ] ; then
  30. echo "Enabling Matrox HALlib (since this is x86) ..."
  31. cat >> config/cf/host.def << EOT
  32. /* Additinal TV/DVI support since this is x86 */
  33. #define HaveMatroxHal YES
  34. EOT
  35. fi
  36. }
  37. # build the World
  38. xf_build() {
  39. find . -name Imakefile | while read file ; do
  40. sed -i 's,LOCAL_LIBRARIES = \([^\\]*\),LOCAL_LIBRARIES = \1 -lz ,g' $file
  41. done
  42. eval "$MAKE World \"FREETYPE2LIB=-lfreetype -lz\" \"CRYPT_LIBRARIES=-lcrypt\""
  43. #cd nls ; eval "$MAKE \"FREETYPE2LIB=-lfreetype -lz\" \"CRYPT_LIBRARIES=-lcrypt\"" ; cd ..
  44. echo "install.man: " >nls/Makefile
  45. echo " echo nothing to see here, please move on" >>nls/Makefile # don't want to fiddle with xf_install, too
  46. echo "install: " >>nls/Makefile
  47. echo " echo nothing to see here, please move on" >>nls/Makefile # don't want to fiddle with xf_install, too
  48. }