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  2. [COPY]
  3. [COPY] This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
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  7. [COPY]
  8. [COPY] ROCK Linux: rock-src/package/stf/pegasus/pegasus.cache
  9. [COPY] ROCK Linux is Copyright (C) 1998 - 2005 Clifford Wolf
  10. [COPY]
  11. [COPY] This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  12. [COPY] it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  13. [COPY] the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  14. [COPY] (at your option) any later version. A copy of the GNU General Public
  15. [COPY] License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
  16. [COPY]
  17. [COPY] Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK Linux. Please
  18. [COPY] have a look at http://www.rocklinux.org/ and the Documentation/TEAM
  19. [COPY] file for details.
  20. [COPY]
  22. [TIMESTAMP] 1115997613 Fri May 13 17:20:13 2005 (5)
  23. [TIMESTAMP] 1116469826 Thu May 19 04:30:26 2005 (9)
  24. [CONFIG-ID] TRUNK-x86-reference-expert
  26. [LOGS] 5-pegasus.log 9-pegasus.log
  27. [BUILDTIME] 58362 (5)
  28. [BUILDTIME] 6852 (9)
  29. [SIZE] 44.53 MB, 2358 files
  30. [DEP] 00-dirtree bash2 binutils bzip2 coreutils findutils gawk gcc34
  31. [DEP] gcc34:dev glibc23 glibc23:dev grep linux26-header:dev make mktemp
  32. [DEP] patch sed sysfiles tar
  33. [PROVIDES] AssocTable AuthorizationHandler CGIClient CLI
  34. [PROVIDES] CSProviderTestClient ClassDeclRep Client CompAssoc
  35. [PROVIDES] CreateFilters CreateHandlers CreateInstance CreateSubscriptions
  36. [PROVIDES] DeleteInstance DeleteNamespace EnumInstNames EnumInstances
  37. [PROVIDES] EnumerateClassNames EnumerateInstanceNames EnumerateInstances
  38. [PROVIDES] GetInstance IPC IPTestClient IndicationProcess InheritanceTree
  39. [PROVIDES] Inst InvokeMethod InvokeMethod2 NameSpace OSTestClient
  40. [PROVIDES] ProcessProviderTestClient ProcessorProviderTestClient
  41. [PROVIDES] QualifierDeclRep Repository Repository2 Socket
  42. [PROVIDES] TestAbstract TestArray TestAuthenticationManager TestBase64
  43. [PROVIDES] TestBasicAuthenticationHandler TestCGIQueryString TestClassDecl
  44. [PROVIDES] TestClient TestCompare TestConfig TestConfigFileHandler
  45. [PROVIDES] TestConfigManager TestDateTime TestDir TestDisableEnable
  46. [PROVIDES] TestDisableEnable2 TestDynLoad TestDynamicLibrary TestFileSystem
  47. [PROVIDES] TestFlavor TestFormatter TestGetInstance TestHashTable
  48. [PROVIDES] TestInstanceDecl TestL10N TestListener TestLocalAuthFile
  49. [PROVIDES] TestLocalAuthenticationHandler TestLogger TestMethod TestObject
  50. [PROVIDES] TestOperationContext TestParamValue TestParameter TestProperty
  51. [PROVIDES] TestQualifier TestQualifierDecl TestQualifierList TestQueue
  52. [PROVIDES] TestReference TestResolve TestResponseHandler TestScope
  53. [PROVIDES] TestStack TestStopwatch TestStrToInstName TestString
  54. [PROVIDES] TestTimeValue TestToMof TestValidateClass TestValue
  55. [PROVIDES] TestXmlDump TestXmlParser TestXmlPrint Thread ThreadPool
  56. [PROVIDES] TracerTest UserManagerTest WebClient benchmarkTest
  57. [PROVIDES] cimauth cimconfig cimmof cimmofl cimprovider cimserver
  58. [PROVIDES] cimuser cnv2rootbundle createInstances createRegistration
  59. [PROVIDES] deleteInstances g11ntest ipinfo libAlertIndicationProvider.so
  60. [PROVIDES] libCIMxmlIndicationHandler.so libComputerSystemProvider.so
  61. [PROVIDES] libConfigSettingProvider.so libDisplayConsumer.so
  62. [PROVIDES] libDynLib.so libIBM_CIMOMStatDataProvider.so
  63. [PROVIDES] libIPProviderModule.so libNamespaceProvider.so
  64. [PROVIDES] libOSProvider.so libOperatingSystemProvider.so
  65. [PROVIDES] libPG_DefaultInstanceProvider.so libPG_TestPropertyTypes.so
  66. [PROVIDES] libProcessIndicationProvider.so libProcessProvider.so
  67. [PROVIDES] libProcessorProviderModule.so libProviderRegistrationProvider.so
  68. [PROVIDES] libRT_IndicationConsumer.so libRT_IndicationProvider.so
  69. [PROVIDES] libSampleFamilyProvider.so libSampleIndicationProvider.so
  70. [PROVIDES] libSampleInstanceProvider.so libSampleLocalizedProvider.so
  71. [PROVIDES] libSampleMethodProvider.so libSimpleDisplayConsumer.so
  72. [PROVIDES] libTestClientProvider.so libUserAuthProvider.so
  73. [PROVIDES] libbenchmarkDefinition.so libbenchmarkProviderModule.so
  74. [PROVIDES] libnsatrap.so libpegCLIClientLib.so libpegauthentication.so
  75. [PROVIDES] libpegclient.so libpegcliutils.so libpegcommon.so
  76. [PROVIDES] libpegcompiler.so libpegconfig.so libpegexportclient.so
  77. [PROVIDES] libpegexportserver.so libpeggetoopt.so libpeghandlerservice.so
  78. [PROVIDES] libpegindicationservice.so libpeglistener.so
  79. [PROVIDES] libpegprm.so libpegprovider.so libpegprovidermanager.so
  80. [PROVIDES] libpegrepository.so libpegserver.so libpeguser.so libpegwql.so
  81. [PROVIDES] libsendmailIndicationHandler.so libsnmpIndicationHandler.so
  82. [PROVIDES] lookupInstanceProvider lookupMethodProvider modifyInstances
  83. [PROVIDES] modifyRegistration osinfo stripcrs target tomof wbemexec