# Do not log to STDERR: feat_log_stderr = 0 feat_log_inline = 0 feat_log_xml = 0
# Advertisement to insert in each mail header: header_info = X-Sanitizer: Anomy Mail Sanitizer header_url = 0 header_rev = 0
# Enable filename based policy decisions: feat_files = 1
# Protect against buffer overflows and null values: feat_lengths = 1
# Fix invalid and ambiguous MIME boundaries, if possible: feat_fixmime = 1
# Trust signed and/or encrypted messages: feat_trust_pgp = 1 msg_pgp_warning = WARNING: Unsanitized content follows.\n
# Defang shell scripts: feat_scripts = 1
# Defang active HTML: feat_html = 0
# Defang UUEncoded files: feat_uuencoded = 1
# Sanitize forwarded content too: feat_forwards = 1
# Testing? Set to 1 for testing, 0 for production: feat_testing = 0
# Warn user about unscanned parts, etc. feat_verbose = 1
# Force all parts (except text/html parts) to # have file names. feat_force_name = 1
# Disable web bug feat_webbugs = 1
# Disable "score" based mail discarding: score_panic = 0 score_bad = 0
# Define message for dropped files
msg_file_drop = \n*****\n msg_file_drop += NOTE: An attachment named %FILENAME was deleted from this message\n msg_file_drop += because it contained a windows executable or other potentially\n msg_file_drop += dangerous file type.\n\n msg_file_drop += Contact the system administrator for more information.\n
## ## File attachment name mangling rules: ##
# Specify the Anomy temp file and quarantine directory file_name_tpl = /var/opt/anomy/quarantine/att-$F-$T.$$
# Number of rulesets we are defining: file_list_rules = 4
# Quarantine dangerous attachments: file_list_1 = (?i)(winmail.dat)| file_list_1 += (\.(exe|com|vb[se]|dll|ocx|cmd|bat|pif|lnk|hlp|ms[ip]|reg|sct|inf file_list_1 += |asd|cab|sh[sb]|scr|cpl|chm|ws[fhc]|hta|vcd|vcf|eml|nws))$ file_list_1_policy = save file_list_1_scanner = 0
# Allow through some safe file types file_list_2 = (?i)\.(gif|jpe?g|pn[mg]|x[pb]m|dvi|e?ps|p(df|cx)|bmp file_list_2 += |mp[32]|wav|au|ram? file_list_2 += |avi|mov|mpe?g file_list_2 += |t(xt|ex)|csv|l(og|yx)|sql|jtmpl file_list_2 += |[ch](pp|\+\+)?|s|inc|asm|pa(tch|s)|java|php\d? file_list_2 += |[ja]sp file_list_2 += |patch|diff file_list_2 += |can|pos|ux|reg|kbf|xal|\d+)*$ file_list_2_policy = accept file_list_2_scanner = 0
# Scan potentially dangerous filetypes and quarantine if infected file_list_3 = (?i)\.(xls|d(at|oc)|p(pt|l)|rtf|html|pdf file_list_3 += |sxw|sxc file_list_3 += |class|swf|upd|wp\d?|m?db file_list_3 += |z(ip|oo)|ar[cj]|lha|[tr]ar|rpm|deb|slp|tgz file_list_3 += )(\.g?z|\.bz\d?)*$ file_list_3_policy = accept:accept:save:save file_list_3_scanner = 0:2:3:/opt/anomy/bin/check_for_virus %FILENAME
# Scan everyting else and mangle the file name (to prevent Outlook from # auto-executing something) file_list_4 = (?i)(.*) file_list_4_policy = defang:defang:save:save file_list_4_scanner = 0:2:3:/opt/anomy/bin/check_for_virus %FILENAME