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[TIMESTAMP] 1123928942 Sat Aug 13 12:29:02 2005 (5) [TIMESTAMP] 1124169052 Tue Aug 16 07:10:52 2005 (9)
[LOGS] 5-asterisk.log 9-asterisk.log
[BUILDTIME] 11001 (5) [BUILDTIME] 11454 (9) [SIZE] 10.39 MB, 498 files
[DEP] 00-dirtree alien alsa alsa:dev bash2 binutils bison bluez-libs [DEP] bluez-libs:dev bzip2 coreutils diffutils findutils gawk gcc34 [DEP] gcc34:dev glib12 glib12:dev glibc23 glibc23:dev gnome14-dirtree [DEP] grep gtk+12 gtk+12:dev gzip linux26-header:dev m4 make mktemp mpg321 [DEP] ncurses:dev net-tools openssl openssl:dev patch sed speex speex:dev [DEP] sqlite sqlite:dev sysfiles tar xorg
[PROVIDES] agi-test.agi app_adsiprog.so app_alarmreceiver.so [PROVIDES] app_authenticate.so app_cdr.so app_chanisavail.so [PROVIDES] app_controlplayback.so app_cut.so app_db.so app_dial.so [PROVIDES] app_directory.so app_disa.so app_echo.so app_enumlookup.so [PROVIDES] app_eval.so app_exec.so app_festival.so app_forkcdr.so [PROVIDES] app_getcpeid.so app_groupcount.so app_hasnewvoicemail.so [PROVIDES] app_ices.so app_image.so app_intercom.so app_lookupblacklist.so [PROVIDES] app_lookupcidname.so app_macro.so app_milliwatt.so [PROVIDES] app_mp3.so app_nbscat.so app_parkandannounce.so [PROVIDES] app_playback.so app_privacy.so app_qcall.so app_queue.so [PROVIDES] app_random.so app_read.so app_record.so app_sayunixtime.so [PROVIDES] app_senddtmf.so app_sendtext.so app_setcallerid.so [PROVIDES] app_setcdruserfield.so app_setcidname.so app_setcidnum.so [PROVIDES] app_sms.so app_softhangup.so app_striplsd.so app_substring.so [PROVIDES] app_system.so app_talkdetect.so app_test.so app_transfer.so [PROVIDES] app_txtcidname.so app_url.so app_userevent.so app_verbose.so [PROVIDES] app_voicemail.so app_waitforring.so app_zapateller.so [PROVIDES] asterisk astgenkey autosupport cdr_csv.so cdr_manager.so [PROVIDES] cdr_sqlite.so chan_agent.so chan_alsa.so chan_bluetooth.so [PROVIDES] chan_iax2.so chan_local.so chan_mgcp.so chan_modem.so [PROVIDES] chan_modem_aopen.so chan_modem_bestdata.so chan_modem_i4l.so [PROVIDES] chan_oss.so chan_phone.so chan_sip.so chan_skinny.so [PROVIDES] codec_a_mu.so codec_adpcm.so codec_alaw.so codec_g726.so [PROVIDES] codec_gsm.so codec_ilbc.so codec_lpc10.so codec_speex.so [PROVIDES] codec_ulaw.so eagi-sphinx-test eagi-test format_g726.so [PROVIDES] format_g729.so format_gsm.so format_h263.so format_ilbc.so [PROVIDES] format_jpeg.so format_pcm.so format_pcm_alaw.so format_sln.so [PROVIDES] format_vox.so format_wav.so format_wav_gsm.so pbx_config.so [PROVIDES] pbx_gtkconsole.so pbx_spool.so pbx_wilcalu.so res_adsi.so [PROVIDES] res_agi.so res_crypto.so res_features.so res_indications.so [PROVIDES] res_monitor.so res_musiconhold.so safe_asterisk