# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
# T2 SDE: package/.../lua/lua.conf
# Copyright (C) 2004 - 2006 The T2 SDE Project
# More information can be found in the files COPYING and README.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. A copy of the
# GNU General Public License can be found in the file COPYING.
# FIXME also build and install swig runtime
# inherit variables like myCFLAGS, myLIBS
. $base/package/*/*/lua-conf.in
# adjust installation path
var_append makeopt ' ' "INSTALL_TOP=$root/$prefix"
var_append makeinstopt ' ' "INSTALL_TOP=$root/$prefix"
# configure:
# -enable dynamic module loading
# -enable CLI with readline
var_append makeopt ' ' "MYCFLAGS=\"$myCFLAGS\""
var_append makeopt ' ' "MYLIBS=\"-Wl,-E $myLIBS\""
# adjust luaconf.h header
lua_conf() {
if [ "$root" = "/" ]; then
sed -i "s,^#define LUA_ROOT.*,#define LUA_ROOT \"$LUA_ROOT/\"," src/luaconf.h
if [[ $libdir != "*/lib" ]]; then
sed -i "s,^\(#define LUA_CDIR.*\)lib\(/.*\),\1${libdir##*/}\2," src/luaconf.h
hook_add premake 3 lua_conf
# create a lua-config script
lua_config_postmake() {
cat $confdir/lua-config | sed \
-e "s,@version@,$luaver," \
-e "s,@prefix@,$root/$prefix," \
-e "s,@libdir@,$root/$libdir," \
-e "s,@includedir@,$root/$includedir," \
-e "s,@LIBS@,$myLIBS," \
-e "s,@CFLAGS@,$myCFLAGS," \
-e "s,@pkglibdir@,$root/$pkglibdir," \
-e "s,@pkgdatadir@,$root/$pkgdatadir," \
-e "s,//,/,g" > $root/$bindir/lua-config
chmod 0755 $root/$bindir/lua-config
# create a lua.pc pkgconfig file
lua_pc_postmake() {
cat $confdir/lua.pc | sed \
-e "s,@version@,$luaver," \
-e "s,@prefix@,$root/$prefix," \
-e "s,@bindir@,$root/$bindir," \
-e "s,@libdir@,$root/$libdir," \
-e "s,@includedir@,$root/$includedir," \
-e "s,@mandir@,$root/$mandir," \
-e "s,@LIBS@,$myLIBS," \
-e "s,@CFLAGS@,$myCFLAGS," \
-e "s,@pkglibdir@,$root/$pkglibdir," \
-e "s,@pkgdatadir@,$root/$pkgdatadir," \
-e "s,//,/,g" > $pc_install_path/lua.pc
# create missing directories and copy documentation
lua_postmake() {
mkdir -p $root/$pkglibdir/
mkdir -p $root/$pkgdatadir/
mkdir -p $root/usr/share/doc/lua
cp -v doc/* $root/usr/share/doc/lua/
# [WARNING] 2006/08/26 //morfoh
# I disabled the hook to inject the lua-config, which is even not
# distributed with the original lua package.
# It breaks lighttpd to build mod_cml properly and needs more
# observation!
# hook for creating lua-config
# hook_add postmake 3 lua_config_postmake
# hook for creating lua.pc
if pkginstalled pkgconfig; then
pkgprefix -t pkgconfig
pc_install_path=$root/$( pkgprefix libdir pkgconfig)/pkgconfig
hook_add postmake 3 lua_pc_postmake
hook_add postmake 3 lua_postmake