OpenSDE Packages Database (without history before r20070)
Christian Wiese f1558426a1 * changed tre to also build static libraries 18 years ago
adgen * updated adgen (1.2.1 -> 1.2.2) 18 years ago
asciidoc * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
asn1c * added asn1c (0.9.21) - Open Source ASN.1 Compiler 18 years ago
celementtree * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
docbook-tools * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
docbookx * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
elementtree * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
fribidi * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
htdig * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
htmldoc * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
icu4c * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
iso-codes * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
jadetex * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
kid * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
kile * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
latex2html * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
libconfuse * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
libcsv * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
libmxml * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
libnxml * updated libnxml (0.16 -> 0.17.1) 18 years ago
libunicode * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
libxml * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
libxml++ * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
libxml1 * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
libxslt * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
msort * updated msort (8.38 -> 8.39) 18 years ago
naturaldocs * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
panda * added panda (0.5.4) - A PDF generator in the form of a C library 18 years ago
pdfjam * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
raptor * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
rlwrap * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
sablot * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
source-highlight * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
tetex * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
tex4ht * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
texi2html * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
text2pdf * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
tre * changed tre to also build static libraries 18 years ago
txt2regex * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
xmlsec * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
xmlstarlet * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago