OpenSDE Packages Database (without history before r20070)
Minto van der Sluis 0de5d2e5db * updated maven (2.0.4 -> 2.0.5) 18 years ago
apache-ant * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
blackdown-jdk * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
blackdown-jre * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
classpath * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
commons-cli * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
commons-codec * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
commons-collections * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
commons-httpclient * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
commons-lang * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
commons-logging * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
continuum * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
eclipse * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
gcjwebplugin * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
ibm-jdk-131 * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
ibm-jdk-142 * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
ibm-jdk-150 * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
ibm-jre-131 * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
ibm-jre-142 * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
ibm-jre-150 * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
jakarta-bsf * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
jakarta-oro * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
jakarta-regexp * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
java-dirtree * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
jboss-as * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
jetty * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
jikes * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
jmf * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
jms-spec * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
junit * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
kaffe * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
maven * updated maven (2.0.4 -> 2.0.5) 18 years ago
maven1 * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
sun-jdk-6 * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
sun-jdk-131 * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
sun-jdk-142 * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
sun-jdk-150 * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
sun-jre-6 * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
sun-jre-131 * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
sun-jre-142 * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
sun-jre-150 * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago
tomcat * relocated current package database to the trunk of the package sub-project 18 years ago