(L-1 instead of L) to get the "art" correctly aligned git-svn-id: svn://svn.opensde.net/opensde/package/trunk@20577 10447126-35f2-4685-b0cf-6dd780d3921f
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
ECHO='echo -e'
ESC='\e' # 033
BELL='\a' # 07
ESC='\e' # \e or \033
BELL='\a' # \a or 07
@ -31,9 +31,8 @@ COLOR_FAILURE="$ESC[31m" # red
MOVE_EOL="$ESC[222G" # 222 columns to the right... kind-of-eol
MOVE_UP="$ESC[1A" # 1 line up (eat last \n)
# ${#foo} works on bash, dash and pdksh, not on ash
MOVE_LEFT_STATUS="$ESC[${#ART_SUCCESS}D" # move left the length of $ART_SUCCESS
MOVE_LEFT_NEXT="$ESC[${#ART_NEXT}D" # move left the length of $ART_NEXT
MOVE_LEFT_STATUS="$ESC[$( expr ${#ART_SUCCESS} - 1 )D" # move left the length of $ART_SUCCESS
MOVE_LEFT_NEXT="$ESC[$( expr ${#ART_NEXT} - 1 )D" # move left the length of $ART_NEXT
title() {
local x=1 columns=