diff --git a/network/nepenthes/libprelude.patch b/network/nepenthes/libprelude.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 003fb4850..000000000
--- a/network/nepenthes/libprelude.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
-# Filename: package/.../nepenthes/libprelude.patch
-# Copyright (C) 2006 The OpenSDE Project
-# More information can be found in the files COPYING and README.
-# This patch file is dual-licensed. It is available under the license the
-# patched project is licensed under, as long as it is an OpenSource license
-# as defined at http://www.opensource.org/ (e.g. BSD, X11) or under the terms
-# of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-# version.
---- nepenthes-0.1.7/modules/log-prelude/log-prelude.hpp.orig	2006-10-16 02:45:08.000000000 +0200
-+++ nepenthes-0.1.7/modules/log-prelude/log-prelude.hpp	2006-10-16 02:45:25.000000000 +0200
-@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
- #include "config.h"
--#include <prelude.h>
-+#include <libprelude/prelude.h>
- #endif
- #include <string>
diff --git a/network/nepenthes/nepenthes.conf b/network/nepenthes/nepenthes.conf
index 86bcf8ea4..eb1b9ad08 100644
--- a/network/nepenthes/nepenthes.conf
+++ b/network/nepenthes/nepenthes.conf
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
 # Filename: package/.../nepenthes/nepenthes.conf
-# Copyright (C) 2006 The OpenSDE Project
+# Copyright (C) 2006 - 2007 The OpenSDE Project
 # More information can be found in the files COPYING and README.
@@ -13,5 +13,9 @@
 # Prelude-IDS support
-pkginstalled libprelude && var_append confopt " " "--enable-prelude"
+if pkginstalled libprelude ; then
+	pkgprefix -t libprelude
+	var_append confopt " " "--enable-prelude"
+	var_append CXXFLAGS ' ' "-I$root$( pkgprefix includedir libprelude )"
+	export CXXFLAGS
diff --git a/network/nepenthes/prelude-hotfix.patch b/network/nepenthes/prelude-hotfix.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..046446201
--- /dev/null
+++ b/network/nepenthes/prelude-hotfix.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1107 @@
+# This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch.
+# Filename: package/.../nepenthes/prelude-hotfix.patch
+# Copyright (C) 2007 The OpenSDE Project
+# More information can be found in the files COPYING and README.
+# This patch file is dual-licensed. It is available under the license the
+# patched project is licensed under, as long as it is an OpenSource license
+# as defined at http://www.opensource.org/ (e.g. BSD, X11) or under the terms
+# of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+This patch includes several bugfixes that were fixed in the
+upstream svn repository and rediffed against nepenthes 0.2.0.
+it includes following changesets:
+diff -ruN nepenthes-0.2.0/modules/log-prelude/Makefile.am nepenthes-0.2.0-prelude/modules/log-prelude/Makefile.am
+--- nepenthes-0.2.0/modules/log-prelude/Makefile.am	2006-11-13 20:40:08.000000000 +0100
++++ nepenthes-0.2.0-prelude/modules/log-prelude/Makefile.am	2007-08-05 22:40:44.000000000 +0200
+@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
+-AM_CPPFLAGS = -I/usr/include/libprelude -I$(top_srcdir)/nepenthes-core/include -I$(top_srcdir)/nepenthes-core/src -pipe -D _GNU_SOURCE $(CPPFLAG_PRELUDE)
++AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/nepenthes-core/include -I$(top_srcdir)/nepenthes-core/src -pipe -D _GNU_SOURCE
+diff -ruN nepenthes-0.2.0/modules/log-prelude/log-prelude.conf.dist nepenthes-0.2.0-prelude/modules/log-prelude/log-prelude.conf.dist
+--- nepenthes-0.2.0/modules/log-prelude/log-prelude.conf.dist	2006-11-13 20:40:08.000000000 +0100
++++ nepenthes-0.2.0-prelude/modules/log-prelude/log-prelude.conf.dist	2007-08-05 22:52:16.000000000 +0200
+@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
+ log-prelude
+ {
+-       	analyzerClass "NIDS";
+-		analyzerModel "nepenthes";
+-		analyzerName "nepenthes";
++	// Name of the Prelude analyzer to use (default is nepenthes).	
++	// analyzerName "nepenthes";
++	// Name of the Prelude profile to use (default is nepenthes).
++	// analyzerProfile "nepenthes";
+ };
+diff -ruN nepenthes-0.2.0/modules/log-prelude/log-prelude.cpp nepenthes-0.2.0-prelude/modules/log-prelude/log-prelude.cpp
+--- nepenthes-0.2.0/modules/log-prelude/log-prelude.cpp	2006-11-13 20:40:08.000000000 +0100
++++ nepenthes-0.2.0-prelude/modules/log-prelude/log-prelude.cpp	2007-08-05 22:52:51.000000000 +0200
+@@ -27,14 +27,6 @@
+  /* $Id: log-prelude.cpp 550 2006-05-04 10:25:35Z common $ */
+-#include <prelude.h>
+-#include <libprelude/prelude-log.h>
+-#include <idmef-message-print.h>
+-#include <prelude-io.h>
+-#include <libprelude/prelude-timer.h>
+ #include <arpa/inet.h>
+ #include "log-prelude.hpp"
+ #include "Nepenthes.hpp"
+@@ -62,8 +54,12 @@
+ #endif
+ #define STDTAGS l_mod | l_ev | l_hlr
+-#define ANALYZER_MANUFACTURER "http://nepenthes.sf.net"
+ #define NEPENTHES_VERSION "$Rev: 550 $"
++#define DEFAULT_ANALYZER_NAME     "nepenthes"
++#define DEFAULT_ANALYZER_PROFILE  "nepenthes"
++#define ANALYZER_MODEL            "Nepenthes"
++#define ANALYZER_CLASS            "Honeypot"
++#define ANALYZER_MANUFACTURER     "http://nepenthes.mwcollect.org/"
+@@ -132,28 +128,21 @@
+-	if ( m_Config == NULL )
+-	{
+-		logCrit("I need a config\n");
+-		return false;
+-	}
+-	string analyzerClass;
+-	string analyzerModel;
+ 	string analyzerName;
+-	try
+-	{
+-		analyzerClass = (m_Config->getValString("log-prelude.analyzerClass"));
+-		analyzerModel = m_Config->getValString("log-prelude.analyzerModel");
+-		analyzerName = m_Config->getValString("log-prelude.analyzerName");
+-	} catch ( ... )
+-	{
+-		logCrit("Error setting needed vars, check your config\n");
+-		return false;
+-	}
++        string analyzerProfile;
++        try {
++                analyzerName = m_Config->getValString("log-prelude.analyzerName");
++        } catch ( ... ) { 
++                analyzerName = DEFAULT_ANALYZER_NAME;
++        }
++        try {
++                analyzerProfile = m_Config->getValString("log-prelude.analyzerProfile");
++        } catch ( ... ) { 
++                analyzerProfile = DEFAULT_ANALYZER_PROFILE;
++        }
+ 	m_ModuleManager = m_Nepenthes->getModuleMgr();
+ 	m_Events.set(EV_SOCK_TCP_ACCEPT);
+ 	m_Events.set(EV_SOCK_TCP_CLOSE);
+@@ -163,44 +152,39 @@
+ 	m_Events.set(EV_DOWNLOAD);
+ 	m_Events.set(EV_SUBMISSION);
+-    const char *profile, *config;
+-	config = NULL;
+-	profile = analyzerName.c_str();
+ 	int32_t ret;
+ // Initialize Prelude Library
+ 	ret = prelude_init(NULL, NULL);
+-	if ( ret < 0 )
++	if ( ret < 0 ) {
+ 		logCrit("%s: Unable to initialize the Prelude library: %s.\n",
+ 				prelude_strsource(ret), 
+ 				prelude_strerror(ret));
++                return false;
++        }
+ // generate a new Prelude client
+-	ret = prelude_client_new(&m_PreludeClient, profile);
++	ret = prelude_client_new(&m_PreludeClient, analyzerProfile.c_str());
+-	if ( ret < 0 )
++	if ( ret < 0 ) {
+ 		logCrit("%s: Unable to create a prelude client object: %s.\n",
+ 				prelude_strsource(ret), 
+ 				prelude_strerror(ret));
++                return false;
++        }
+ 	// set options in the analyzer-part of the client
+ 	prelude_string_t *string;
+-	ret = idmef_analyzer_new_model(prelude_client_get_analyzer(m_PreludeClient), &string);
++	ret = idmef_analyzer_new_class(prelude_client_get_analyzer(m_PreludeClient), &string);
+ 	if ( ret < 0 )
+ 	        return false;
+-	prelude_string_set_constant(string, analyzerModel.c_str());
+-	ret = idmef_analyzer_new_class(prelude_client_get_analyzer(m_PreludeClient), &string);
++	prelude_string_set_constant(string, ANALYZER_CLASS);
++	ret = idmef_analyzer_new_model(prelude_client_get_analyzer(m_PreludeClient), &string);
+ 	if ( ret < 0 )
+ 	        return false;
+-	prelude_string_set_constant(string, analyzerClass.c_str());
++	prelude_string_set_constant(string, ANALYZER_MODEL);
+ 	ret = idmef_analyzer_new_manufacturer(prelude_client_get_analyzer(m_PreludeClient), &string);
+ 	if ( ret < 0 )
+@@ -209,28 +193,31 @@
+ 	ret = idmef_analyzer_new_version(prelude_client_get_analyzer(m_PreludeClient), &string);
+ 	if ( ret < 0 )
+-	        return false;
+-	prelude_string_set_constant(string, NEPENTHES_VERSION);
++	        return false;        
++	prelude_string_set_constant(string, VERSION);
+-//  start the Prelude Client
++        ret = idmef_analyzer_new_name(prelude_client_get_analyzer(m_PreludeClient), &string);
++        if ( ret < 0 )
++	        return false;        
++	prelude_string_set_dup(string, analyzerName.c_str());
++        //  start the Prelude Client
+ 	ret = prelude_client_start(m_PreludeClient);
+ 	if ( ret < 0 )
+ 	{
+-		if ( prelude_client_is_setup_needed(ret) )
+-			prelude_client_print_setup_error(m_PreludeClient);
+ 		logCrit("%s: Unable to initialize prelude client: %s.\n",
+ 				   prelude_strsource(ret), prelude_strerror(ret));
++                return false;
+ 	}
+-// set async Prelude Flags for the client, makes the application multithreaded
+-	ret = prelude_client_set_flags(m_PreludeClient, (prelude_client_flags_t) (PRELUDE_CLIENT_FLAGS_CONNECT | PRELUDE_CLIENT_FLAGS_ASYNC_SEND | PRELUDE_CLIENT_FLAGS_ASYNC_TIMER));
+-	if ( ret < 0 )
++        // set async Prelude Flags for the client, makes the application multithreaded
++        ret = prelude_client_set_flags(m_PreludeClient, (prelude_client_flags_t) (PRELUDE_CLIENT_FLAGS_CONNECT | PRELUDE_CLIENT_FLAGS_ASYNC_SEND | PRELUDE_CLIENT_FLAGS_ASYNC_TIMER));
++	if ( ret < 0 ) {
+ 		logCrit("%s: Unable to set asynchronous send and timer: %s.\n",
+ 				prelude_strsource(ret), 
+ 				prelude_strerror(ret));
++		return false;
++	}	
+ 	return true;
+@@ -274,7 +261,7 @@
+ 	idmef_value_t *val;
+ 	idmef_path_t *path;
+-	ret = idmef_path_new(&path, object);
++	ret = idmef_path_new_fast(&path, object);
+ 	if ( ret < 0 )
+ 	{
+ 		logWarn("imdef error #1 %s -> %s %i (%s) \n",object,value,ret, prelude_strerror(ret));
+diff -ruN nepenthes-0.2.0/modules/log-prelude/log-prelude.cpp~ nepenthes-0.2.0-prelude/modules/log-prelude/log-prelude.cpp~
+--- nepenthes-0.2.0/modules/log-prelude/log-prelude.cpp~	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ nepenthes-0.2.0-prelude/modules/log-prelude/log-prelude.cpp~	2007-08-05 22:51:33.000000000 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,853 @@
++ *                              Nepenthes
++ *                        - finest collection -
++ *
++ *
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005  Paul Baecher & Markus Koetter
++ * 
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
++ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
++ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++ * 
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ * 
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
++ * 
++ * 
++ *             contact nepenthesdev@users.sourceforge.net  
++ *
++ *******************************************************************************/
++ /* $Id: log-prelude.cpp 550 2006-05-04 10:25:35Z common $ */
++#include <arpa/inet.h>
++#include "log-prelude.hpp"
++#include "Nepenthes.hpp"
++#include "LogManager.hpp"
++#include "EventManager.hpp"
++#include "SubmitEvent.hpp"
++#include "Download.hpp"
++#include "DownloadUrl.hpp"
++#include "DownloadBuffer.hpp"
++#include "Socket.hpp"
++#include "SocketEvent.hpp"
++#include "Message.hpp"
++#include "Utilities.hpp"
++#include "Config.hpp"
++#include "ShellcodeHandler.hpp"
++using namespace nepenthes;
++#ifdef STDTAGS 
++#undef STDTAGS 
++#define STDTAGS l_mod | l_ev | l_hlr
++#define NEPENTHES_VERSION "$Rev: 550 $"
++#define DEFAULT_ANALYZER_NAME     "nepenthes"
++#define DEFAULT_ANALYZER_PROFILE  "nepenthes"
++#define ANALYZER_MODEL            "Nepenthes"
++#define ANALYZER_CLASS            "Honeypot"
++#define ANALYZER_MANUFACTURER     "http://nepenthes.mwcollect.org/"
++ * as we may need a global pointer to our Nepenthes in our modules,
++ * and cant access the cores global pointer to nepenthes
++ * we have to use a own global pointer to nepenthes per module
++ * we need this pointer for logInfo() etc
++ */
++Nepenthes *g_Nepenthes;
++ * Constructor
++ * creates a new LogPrelude Module, where x% is public Module, public EventHandler
++ * - sets the ModuleName
++ * - sets the ModuleDescription
++ * - sets the EventHandlerName
++ * - sets the EventHandlerDescription
++ * - sets the EventHandlers Timeout
++ * - sets the Modules global pointer to the Nepenthes
++ * 
++ * @param nepenthes pointer to our nepenthes master class
++ */
++LogPrelude::LogPrelude(Nepenthes *nepenthes)
++	m_ModuleName        = "log-prelude";
++	m_ModuleDescription = "event based prelude logger";
++	m_ModuleRevision    = "$Rev: 550 $";
++	m_Nepenthes = nepenthes;
++	m_EventHandlerName = "LogPreludeEventHandler";
++	m_EventHandlerDescription = "log events to a prelude database";
++//	m_Timeout = time(NULL) + rand()%23;
++	g_Nepenthes = nepenthes;
++	m_PreludeClient = NULL;
++ * exerything important happens in ::Exit() as we have a return value there
++ */
++ * bool Module::Init()
++ * setup Module specific values 
++ * here:
++ * - register as EventHandler
++ * - set wanted events
++ * 
++ * @return returns true if everything was fine, else false
++ *         returning false will showup errors in warning a module
++ */
++bool LogPrelude::Init()
++	if ( m_Config == NULL )
++	{
++		logCrit("I need a config\n");
++		return false;
++	}
++	string analyzerClass;
++	string analyzerModel;
++	string analyzerName;
++	try
++	{
++		analyzerClass = (m_Config->getValString("log-prelude.analyzerClass"));
++		analyzerModel = m_Config->getValString("log-prelude.analyzerModel");
++		analyzerName = m_Config->getValString("log-prelude.analyzerName");
++	} catch ( ... )
++	{
++		logCrit("Error setting needed vars, check your config\n");
++		return false;
++	}
++	m_ModuleManager = m_Nepenthes->getModuleMgr();
++	m_Events.set(EV_SOCK_TCP_ACCEPT);
++	m_Events.set(EV_SOCK_TCP_CLOSE);
++	m_Events.set(EV_SHELLCODE_DONE);
++	m_Events.set(EV_DOWNLOAD);
++	m_Events.set(EV_SUBMISSION);
++    const char *profile, *config;
++	config = NULL;
++	profile = analyzerName.c_str();
++	int32_t ret;
++// Initialize Prelude Library
++	ret = prelude_init(NULL, NULL);
++	if ( ret < 0 )
++		logCrit("%s: Unable to initialize the Prelude library: %s.\n",
++				prelude_strsource(ret), 
++				prelude_strerror(ret));
++// generate a new Prelude client
++	ret = prelude_client_new(&m_PreludeClient, profile);
++	if ( ret < 0 )
++		logCrit("%s: Unable to create a prelude client object: %s.\n",
++				prelude_strsource(ret), 
++				prelude_strerror(ret));
++	// set options in the analyzer-part of the client
++	prelude_string_t *string;
++	ret = idmef_analyzer_new_model(prelude_client_get_analyzer(m_PreludeClient), &string);
++	if ( ret < 0 )
++	        return false;
++	prelude_string_set_ref(string, analyzerModel.c_str());
++	ret = idmef_analyzer_new_class(prelude_client_get_analyzer(m_PreludeClient), &string);
++	if ( ret < 0 )
++	        return false;
++	prelude_string_set_ref(string, analyzerClass.c_str());
++	ret = idmef_analyzer_new_manufacturer(prelude_client_get_analyzer(m_PreludeClient), &string);
++	if ( ret < 0 )
++	        return false;
++	prelude_string_set_constant(string, ANALYZER_MANUFACTURER);
++	ret = idmef_analyzer_new_version(prelude_client_get_analyzer(m_PreludeClient), &string);
++	if ( ret < 0 )
++	        return false;
++	prelude_string_set_constant(string, NEPENTHES_VERSION);
++//  start the Prelude Client
++	ret = prelude_client_start(m_PreludeClient);
++	if ( ret < 0 )
++	{
++		if ( prelude_client_is_setup_needed(ret) )
++			prelude_client_print_setup_error(m_PreludeClient);
++		logCrit("%s: Unable to initialize prelude client: %s.\n",
++				   prelude_strsource(ret), prelude_strerror(ret));
++	}
++// set async Prelude Flags for the client, makes the application multithreaded
++	ret = prelude_client_set_flags(m_PreludeClient, (prelude_client_flags_t) (PRELUDE_CLIENT_FLAGS_CONNECT | PRELUDE_CLIENT_FLAGS_ASYNC_SEND | PRELUDE_CLIENT_FLAGS_ASYNC_TIMER));
++	if ( ret < 0 )
++		logCrit("%s: Unable to set asynchronous send and timer: %s.\n",
++				prelude_strsource(ret), 
++				prelude_strerror(ret));
++	return true;
++	logCrit("Module log-prelude is compiled without libprelude, this wont work, reconfigure the whole source and recompile");
++	return false;
++ * unregister as EventHandler, destroy the Prelude Client
++ * 
++ * @return returns true if everything was fine
++ */
++bool LogPrelude::Exit()
++	if( m_PreludeClient != NULL)
++	{
++		prelude_client_destroy(m_PreludeClient, (prelude_client_exit_status_t)(PRELUDE_CLIENT_EXIT_STATUS_SUCCESS));
++		prelude_deinit();
++	}
++	// disabled by harald due to segfaults
++        //UNREG_EVENT_HANDLER(this);
++	return true;
++ * This function adds char * idmef values into an idmef message
++ * 
++ */
++int32_t add_idmef_object(idmef_message_t *message, const char *object, const char *value)
++	int32_t ret=0;
++	idmef_value_t *val;
++	idmef_path_t *path;
++	ret = idmef_path_new(&path, object);
++	if ( ret < 0 )
++	{
++		logWarn("imdef error #1 %s -> %s %i (%s) \n",object,value,ret, prelude_strerror(ret));
++		return -1;
++	}
++	ret = idmef_value_new_from_path(&val, path, value);
++	if ( ret < 0 )
++	{
++		idmef_path_destroy(path);
++		logWarn("imdef error #2 %s -> %s %i (%s) \n",object,value,ret, prelude_strerror(ret));
++		return -1;
++	}
++	ret = idmef_path_set(path, message, val);
++	idmef_value_destroy(val);
++	idmef_path_destroy(path);
++	return ret;
++ * 
++ * This function adds int32_t idmef values into an idmef message
++ */
++int32_t add_idmef_object(idmef_message_t *message, const char *object, int32_t i)
++	char value[20];
++	memset(value,0,20);
++	snprintf(value,19,"%i",i);
++	return add_idmef_object(message,object,value);
++ * the handleEvent method is called whenever an event occurs 
++ * the EventHandler wanted to have.
++ * 
++ * @param event  the Event
++ * 
++ * @return return 0
++ */
++uint32_t LogPrelude::handleEvent(Event *event)
++//	logPF();
++//	logInfo("Event %i\n",event->getType());
++	switch(event->getType())
++	{
++		handleTCPaccept(event);
++		break;
++		handleTCPclose(event);
++		break;
++		handleSubmission(event);
++		break;
++		handleDialogueAssignAndDone(event);
++		break;
++		handleShellcodeDone(event);
++		break;
++	case EV_DOWNLOAD:
++		handleDownload(event);
++		break;
++	default:
++		logWarn("this should not happen\n");
++	}
++	return 0;
++void LogPrelude::handleTCPaccept(Event *event)
++	logInfo("LogPrelude EVENT EV_SOCK_TCP_ACCEPT\n");
++	Socket *socket = ((SocketEvent *)event)->getSocket();
++	idmef_message_t *idmef;
++	int32_t ret = idmef_message_new(&idmef);
++	if ( ret < 0 )
++		return;
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.classification.text"						,"TCP Connection established");
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.classification.ident", EV_SOCK_TCP_ACCEPT);
++//	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.classification.reference(0).origin"		,"vendor-specific" );
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.source(0).Spoofed"						,"no");
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.source(0).Service.protocol"				,"TCP");
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.source(0).Service.port"					,socket->getRemotePort());
++	uint32_t addr = socket->getRemoteHost();
++	string address = inet_ntoa(*(in_addr *)&addr);
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.source(0).Node.Address(0).address"		,address.c_str());
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.target(0).Decoy"							,"yes");
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.target(0).Service.protocol"				,"TCP");
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.target(0).Service.port"					,socket->getLocalPort());
++	addr = socket->getLocalHost();
++	address = inet_ntoa(*(in_addr *)&addr);
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.target(0).Node.Address(0).address"		,address.c_str());
++	idmef_time_t *time;
++	ret = idmef_time_new_from_gettimeofday(&time);
++	idmef_alert_set_create_time(idmef_message_get_alert(idmef), 
++								time);
++	// analyzer id
++	idmef_alert_set_analyzer(idmef_message_get_alert(idmef), 
++							 idmef_analyzer_ref(prelude_client_get_analyzer(m_PreludeClient)),							 
++	prelude_client_send_idmef(m_PreludeClient, idmef);
++	//prelude_string_t *field = idmef_alert_get_messageid(idmef_message_get_alert(idmef));
++	//const char *msgid = prelude_string_get_string(field);
++	//logInfo("PreludeMessageID = %s \n",msgid);
++	idmef_message_destroy(idmef);
++void LogPrelude::handleTCPclose(Event *event)
++	Socket *socket = ((SocketEvent *)event)->getSocket();
++	if (! socket->isAccept())
++	{
++		return;
++	}
++	logInfo("LogPrelude EVENT EV_SOCK_TCP_CLOSE\n");
++	idmef_message_t *idmef;
++	int32_t ret = idmef_message_new(&idmef);
++	if ( ret < 0 )
++		return;
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.classification.text"							,"TCP Connection closed");
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.classification.ident", EV_SOCK_TCP_CLOSE);
++//	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.classification.reference(0).origin"			,"vendor-specific" );
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.source(0).Service.protocol"					,"TCP");
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.source(0).Service.port"						,socket->getRemotePort());
++	uint32_t addr = socket->getRemoteHost();
++	string address = inet_ntoa(*(in_addr *)&addr);
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.source(0).Node.Address(0).address"			,address.c_str());
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.target(0).Service.protocol"					,"TCP");
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.target(0).Service.port"						,socket->getLocalPort());
++	addr = socket->getLocalHost();
++	address = inet_ntoa(*(in_addr *)&addr);
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.target(0).Node.Address(0).address",address.c_str());
++	idmef_time_t *time;
++	ret = idmef_time_new_from_gettimeofday(&time);
++	idmef_alert_set_create_time(idmef_message_get_alert(idmef), 
++								time);
++	// analyzer id
++	idmef_alert_set_analyzer(idmef_message_get_alert(idmef), 
++							 idmef_analyzer_ref(prelude_client_get_analyzer(m_PreludeClient)), 
++	prelude_client_send_idmef(m_PreludeClient, idmef);
++//	prelude_string_t *field = idmef_alert_get_messageid(idmef_message_get_alert(idmef));
++//	const char *msgid = prelude_string_get_string(field);
++//	logInfo("CloseMessageID = %s \n",msgid);
++	idmef_message_destroy(idmef);
++ * Send idmef message when finished with the Shellcode
++ * 
++ */
++void LogPrelude::handleShellcodeDone(Event *event)
++	logInfo("LogPrelude EVENT EV_SHELLCODE_DONE\n");
++	ShellcodeHandler *handler = ((ShellcodeEvent *)event)->getShellcodeHandler();
++	Socket *socket = ((ShellcodeEvent *)event)->getSocket();
++	idmef_message_t *idmef;
++	int32_t ret = idmef_message_new(&idmef);
++	if ( ret < 0 )
++		return;
++	string shellcodeText = "Shellcode detected: " + handler->getShellcodeHandlerName();
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.classification.text", shellcodeText.c_str());
++	// hl: added ident
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.classification.ident", EV_SHELLCODE_DONE);
++	//	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.classification.reference(0).origin"		,"vendor-specific" );
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.source(0).Spoofed"					,"no");
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.source(0).Service.protocol"				,"TCP");
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.source(0).Service.port"					,socket->getRemotePort());
++	uint32_t addr = socket->getRemoteHost();
++	string address = inet_ntoa(*(in_addr *)&addr);
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.source(0).Node.Address(0).address"		,address.c_str());
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.target(0).Decoy"							,"yes");
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.target(0).Service.protocol"				,"TCP");
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.target(0).Service.port"					,socket->getLocalPort());
++	addr = socket->getLocalHost();
++	address = inet_ntoa(*(in_addr *)&addr);
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.target(0).Node.Address(0).address"		,address.c_str());
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.assessment.impact.description"			,"possible Shellcode has been detected.");
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.assessment.impact.severity"			,"medium");
++//    add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.assessment.impact.completion"			,"succeeded");
++	add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.assessment.impact.type"				,"other");
++	// hl: added for additional information
++        add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.additional_data(0).type", "string");
++        add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.additional_data(0).meaning", "Shellcode");
++        add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.additional_data(0).data", handler->getShellcodeHandlerName().c_str());
++	 idmef_time_t *time;
++	ret = idmef_time_new_from_gettimeofday(&time);
++	idmef_alert_set_create_time(idmef_message_get_alert(idmef), 
++								time);
++	// analyzer id
++	idmef_alert_set_analyzer(idmef_message_get_alert(idmef), 
++							 idmef_analyzer_ref(prelude_client_get_analyzer(m_PreludeClient)), 
++	prelude_client_send_idmef(m_PreludeClient, idmef);
++//	prelude_string_t *field = idmef_alert_get_messageid(idmef_message_get_alert(idmef));
++//	const char *msgid = prelude_string_get_string(field);
++//	logInfo("RecvMessageID = %s \n",msgid);
++	idmef_message_destroy(idmef);
++ * 
++ * handle submitted files
++ */
++void LogPrelude::handleSubmission(Event *event)
++	 SubmitEvent *se = (SubmitEvent *)event;
++	 Download *down = se->getDownload();
++	 logInfo("LogPrelude EVENT EV_SUBMISSION %s %s %i \n",down->getUrl().c_str(), 
++			 down->getMD5Sum().c_str(), 
++			 down->getDownloadBuffer()->getSize());
++	 idmef_message_t *idmef;
++	 int32_t ret = idmef_message_new(&idmef);
++	 if ( ret < 0 )
++		 return;
++	 // generic information
++	 // hl: changed submited to submitted, added ident
++	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.classification.text"						,"Malware submitted");
++	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.classification.ident", EV_SUBMISSION);
++	 string url = "http://nepenthes.sf.net/wiki/submission/" + down->getMD5Sum();
++	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.classification.reference(0).origin"			,"vendor-specific" );
++	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.classification.reference(0).url"			,url.c_str() );
++	 // file name and info
++	 // hl: changed file tags because of DTD violation
++	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.target(0).file(0).name"				,down->getDownloadUrl()->getFile().c_str());
++	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.target(0).file(0).path"				,down->getUrl().c_str());
++	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.target(0).file(0).category"			,"current");
++	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.target(0).file(0).ident"			,down->getMD5Sum().c_str());
++	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.target(0).file(0).data_size"			,down->getDownloadBuffer()->getSize());
++         //hl: some debug stuff, prelude-manager doesnt write the checksums into xml 
++	 ret = add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.target(0).file(0).checksum(0).algorithm"	,"MD5");
++	 //logInfo("LogPrelude DEBUG MD5 %i\n", ret);
++	 ret = add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.target(0).file(0).checksum(0).value"		,down->getMD5Sum().c_str());
++         //logInfo("LogPrelude DEBUG Hash %i\n", ret);
++	 ret = add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.target(0).file(0).checksum(1).algorithm"	,"SHA2-512");
++         //logInfo("LogPrelude DEBUG SHA %i\n", ret);
++	 ret = add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.target(0).file(0).checksum(1).value"		,down->getSHA512Sum().c_str());
++         //logInfo("LogPrelude DEBUG Hash %i\n", ret);
++	 uint32_t addr = down->getLocalHost();
++	 string address = inet_ntoa(*(in_addr *)&addr);
++	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.target(0).Node.Address(0).address"		,address.c_str());
++	 // infection host
++	 addr = down->getRemoteHost();
++	 address = inet_ntoa(*(in_addr *)&addr);
++	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.source(0).Node.Address(0).address"			,address.c_str());
++	 // download source
++	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.source(0).Service.port", down->getDownloadUrl()->getPort());
++	 /* hl: previous dirty workaround -> commented
++	 string protocol;
++	 if (down->getDownloadUrl()->getProtocol() == "tftp" )
++		 protocol = "UDP";
++	 else
++		 protocol = "TCP";
++	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.source(0).Service.protocol"					,protocol.c_str());
++	 */
++	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.source(0).Service.web_service.url"			,down->getUrl().c_str());
++	 // hl: not needed
++	 //add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.source(0).Service.web_service.http_method"	,"get");
++	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.assessment.impact.description"			,"possible Malware stored for further analysis");
++	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.assessment.impact.severity"				,"high");
++//     add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.assessment.impact.completion"			,"succeeded");
++         add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.assessment.impact.type"					,"other");
++	 // time
++	 idmef_time_t *time;
++	 ret = idmef_time_new_from_gettimeofday(&time);
++	 idmef_alert_set_create_time(idmef_message_get_alert(idmef), 
++								 time);
++	 // analyzer id
++	 idmef_alert_set_analyzer(idmef_message_get_alert(idmef), 
++							  idmef_analyzer_ref(prelude_client_get_analyzer(m_PreludeClient)), 
++	 prelude_client_send_idmef(m_PreludeClient, idmef);
++	 idmef_message_destroy(idmef);
++ * 
++ * 
++ * 
++ */
++void LogPrelude::handleDialogueAssignAndDone(Event *event)
++	 logInfo("LogPrelude EVENT EV_ASSIGN_AND_DONE\n");
++	 Dialogue *dia = ((DialogueEvent *)event)->getDialogue();
++	 Socket *socket = ((DialogueEvent *)event)->getSocket();
++	 idmef_message_t *idmef;
++	 int32_t ret = idmef_message_new(&idmef);
++	 if ( ret < 0 )
++		 return;
++	 string attack = "Exploit attempt: " + dia->getDialogueName();
++	 // generic information
++	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.classification.text", attack.c_str());
++	 // hl: added ident field
++	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.classification.ident", EV_DIALOGUE_ASSIGN_AND_DONE);
++//	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.classification.reference(0).origin"			,"vendor-specific" );
++	 // attacker
++	 uint32_t addr = socket->getRemoteHost();
++	 string address = inet_ntoa(*(in_addr *)&addr);
++	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.source(0).Node.Address(0).address", address.c_str());
++	 // target
++	 addr = socket->getLocalHost();
++	 address = inet_ntoa(*(in_addr *)&addr);
++	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.target(0).Node.Address(0).address", address.c_str());
++//	 string protocol;
++//	 if (down->getDownloadUrl()->getProtocol() == "tftp" )
++//		 protocol = "UDP";
++//	 else
++//		 protocol = "TCP";
++//	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.source(0).Service.protocol"					,protocol.c_str());
++//	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.source(0).Service.web_service.url"			,down->getUrl().c_str());
++//	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.source(0).Service.web_service.http_method"	,"get");
++	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.assessment.impact.description"			,"An exploit attempt is getting handled.");
++	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.assessment.impact.severity"				,"low");
++//       add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.assessment.impact.completion"			,"succeeded");
++         add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.assessment.impact.type"					,"other");
++	 // hl: added
++         add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.additional_data(0).type", "string");
++         add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.additional_data(0).meaning", "Dialogue");
++         add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.additional_data(0).data", dia->getDialogueName().c_str());
++	 // time
++	 idmef_time_t *time;
++	 ret = idmef_time_new_from_gettimeofday(&time);
++	 idmef_alert_set_create_time(idmef_message_get_alert(idmef), 
++								 time);
++	 // analyzer id
++	 idmef_alert_set_analyzer(idmef_message_get_alert(idmef), 
++							  idmef_analyzer_ref(prelude_client_get_analyzer(m_PreludeClient)), 
++	 prelude_client_send_idmef(m_PreludeClient, idmef);
++	 idmef_message_destroy(idmef);
++ * 
++ * 
++ */
++void LogPrelude::handleDownload(Event *event)
++	 SubmitEvent *se = (SubmitEvent *)event;
++	 Download *down = se->getDownload();
++	 string url = se->getDownload()->getUrl();
++	 se->getType();
++	 logInfo("LogPrelude EVENT EV_DOWNLOAD %s %s %i \n",down->getUrl().c_str(), 
++			 down->getMD5Sum().c_str(), 
++			 down->getDownloadBuffer()->getSize());
++	 idmef_message_t *idmef;
++	 int32_t ret = idmef_message_new(&idmef);
++	 if ( ret < 0 )
++		 return;
++	 // generic information
++	 // hl: changed message
++	 string message = "possible Malware offered: " + down->getUrl();
++	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.classification.text", message.c_str());
++         // hl: changed to ident number
++	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.classification.ident", EV_DOWNLOAD);
++//	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.classification.reference(0).origin"			,"vendor-specific" );
++	 // infection host
++	 uint32_t addr = down->getRemoteHost();
++	 string address = inet_ntoa(*(in_addr *)&addr);
++	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.source(0).Node.Address(0).address"			,address.c_str());
++	 //target host
++	 addr = down->getLocalHost();
++	 address = inet_ntoa(*(in_addr *)&addr);
++	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.target(0).Node.Address(0).address"			,address.c_str());
++	 // download source
++	 // hl: removed protocol, added url
++	 /* 
++	 string protocol;
++	 if (down->getDownloadUrl()->getProtocol() == "tftp" )
++		 protocol = "UDP";
++	 else
++		 protocol = "TCP";
++	 */	 
++	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.source(0).Service.port"						,down->getDownloadUrl()->getPort());
++	 //add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.source(0).Service.protocol"					,protocol.c_str());
++	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.source(0).Service.web_service.url"			,down->getUrl().c_str());
++//	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.source(0).Service.web_service.http_method"	,"get");
++	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.assessment.impact.description"			,"Parsing the Shellcode has unrevealed a URL.");
++	 add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.assessment.impact.severity"				,"medium");
++//     add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.assessment.impact.completion"			,"succeeded");
++     add_idmef_object(idmef, "alert.assessment.impact.type"					,"other");
++	 // time
++	 idmef_time_t *time;
++	 ret = idmef_time_new_from_gettimeofday(&time);
++	 idmef_alert_set_create_time(idmef_message_get_alert(idmef), 
++								 time);
++	 // analyzer id
++	 idmef_alert_set_analyzer(idmef_message_get_alert(idmef), 
++							  idmef_analyzer_ref(prelude_client_get_analyzer(m_PreludeClient)), 
++	 prelude_client_send_idmef(m_PreludeClient, idmef);
++	 idmef_message_destroy(idmef);
++extern "C" int32_t module_init(int32_t version, Module **module, Nepenthes *nepenthes)
++	if (version == MODULE_IFACE_VERSION) {
++        *module = new LogPrelude(nepenthes);
++        return 1;
++    } else {
++        return 0;
++    }
+diff -ruN nepenthes-0.2.0/modules/log-prelude/log-prelude.hpp nepenthes-0.2.0-prelude/modules/log-prelude/log-prelude.hpp
+--- nepenthes-0.2.0/modules/log-prelude/log-prelude.hpp	2006-11-13 20:40:08.000000000 +0100
++++ nepenthes-0.2.0-prelude/modules/log-prelude/log-prelude.hpp	2007-08-05 22:40:44.000000000 +0200
+@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
+ #include "config.h"
+-#include <prelude.h>
++#include <libprelude/prelude.h>
+ #endif
+ #include <string>