# --- SDE-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-BEGIN --- # This copyright note is auto-generated by ./scripts/Create-CopyPatch. # # Filename: package/.../rezound/gcc41-hacky.patch # Copyright (C) 2006 The T2 SDE Project # # More information can be found in the files COPYING and README. # # This patch file is dual-licensed. It is available under the license the # patched project is licensed under, as long as it is an OpenSource license # as defined at http://www.opensource.org/ (e.g. BSD, X11) or under the terms # of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # --- SDE-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-END ---
Well, this part is hacky, gcc41 does not seem to match against the provided std::vector<> specialization. After some trial 'n error I decided to take a shortpath and let the default work on any contrainer a-like type.
--- rezound-0.12.2beta/src/misc/CNestedDataFile/anytype.h.vanilla 2006-03-05 23:45:44.856469500 +0100
+++ rezound-0.12.2beta/src/misc/CNestedDataFile/anytype.h 2006-03-06 00:09:06.584072000 +0100
@@ -60,7 +60,26 @@
// or we could leave these unimplemented to get a linker error instead (that's what I have to do with gcc>=3.4 // /* the reason I haven't made string_to_anytype return a reference is because currently, it's probably not a big deal for most types.. and with string, we'd be making a copy into the ret parameter if I implemented it that way anyway.. perhaps I could remove the return type all together and always use the ret parameter to get back the data */ template<typename Type> static const Type string_to_anytype(const string &str,Type &ret) ;// { no_specialization_of_this_template_with_the_given_type; } -template<typename Type> static const string anytype_to_string(const Type &any) ;// { no_specialization_of_this_template_with_the_given_type; }
+template<typename Type> static const string anytype_to_string(const Type &any)
+// I really wished that I didn't have to explicitly use 'vector' in the definition, I'd have like to use any container with an iterator interface
+template<class Type> __attribute__((always_inline)) inline const string anytype_to_string(const vector<Type> &any) */
+ string s;
+ size_t l=any.size();
+ s="{";
+ for(size_t t=0;t<l;t++)
+ {
+ // leaving type in case it's not able to deduce aruments and chooses the default template implemenation
+ // if I knew how to constrain the original definition of the template, I would make it fully constrained
+ s+=anytype_to_string(any[t]);
+ if(t!=(l-1))
+ s+=",";
+ }
+ return s+"}";
@@ -146,24 +165,6 @@
template<> static const string anytype_to_string<long double>(const long double &any) { if(isnan(any)) return "0"; else { ostringstream ss; if(any>999999.0) {ss.setf(ios::scientific); ss.width(0); ss.precision(12); ss.fill(' '); } else {ss.setf(ios::fixed); ss.precision(6); ss.fill(' '); } ss << any; return istring(ss.str()).trim(); } } -// I really wished that I didn't have to explicitly use 'vector' in the definition, I'd have like to use any container with an iterator interface
-template<class Type> static const string anytype_to_string(const vector<Type> &any)
- string s;
- size_t l=any.size();
- s="{";
- for(size_t t=0;t<l;t++)
- {
- // leaving type in case it's not able to deduce aruments and chooses the default template implemenation
- // if I knew how to constrain the original definition of the template, I would make it fully constrained
- s+=anytype_to_string(any[t]);
- if(t!=(l-1))
- s+=",";
- }
- return s+"}";
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace s2at // s2at signifies string_to_anytype/anytype_to_string