OpenSDE Framework (without history before r20070)
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(R) the value stay recorded on the tree after the first usage
(G) the value can be specified at $HOME/.sde/config
# `sde download`
# Grab package files
sde download <options> -all # Download every file from the tree
[-cfg $config] $pkg [$pkg [...]]
# Downloads specific packages and their active extenders
-cfg $config # Download all the files required by a given config
-help # Shows some help
-q # quiet mode
(R) -mirror $mirror # use a given mirror
(G) -alt-dir $altdir # try first from a give path
(G) -curl-opt $curlopt # use a given set of arguments for `curl`
(G) -proxy $proxy # proxy to use on downloads
(G) -proxy-auth $proxyuth # auth info for the proxy
# `sde config`
# Set up a build
sde config <options> [[-cfg] $config] # configure a build (default: default)
-q # quick/quiet mode, just refresh
# `sde build`
# Makes a build
sde build [[-cfg] $config] # start/continue a given build
[[-cfg] $config] -job [$stage-]$pkg
# builds certain package on a build
[[-cfg] $config] [-f] -tools [$stage]
# build some internal tools needed during the build
# (it's able to detect if they need regeneration or not)
-f # (-tools) force regeneration
# `sde new`
# Makes a new tree
sde new [-branch $branch] $location # makes a new tree at a given location
# `sde update`
# Updates a tree
sde update <options> # Updates a tree
-v # verbose
-s # append summary
# `sde commit` (Alias: ci)
# Commit changes
sde commit <options> [$location [$location [...]]] # commits changes at give locations
# (they can also be package names)
-patch # creates a patch to send by mail
# `sde pkg` (Alias: package)
sde pkg update $package # recalculate checksum for the files of a package (download if needed)
update $package $version [-relocate $newlocation]
# updates a package to a given version, optionally changing the
# download location
update $package -check
# check upstream for new versions of this package
build $package [-cfg $config] [-stage $stage] [-root $root]
# builds a package
new <options> [package/]$repository/$package (-fm|-cpan|-sf|-be) $name
# creates a new package from the info available for a name at a remote source
# fm:freshmeat cpan:CPAN sf:SourceForge be:berlios
new <options> [package/]$repository/$package $url [$url [...]]
# creates a new package taking as download files a given list of URLs
-v # (new), verbose package creation
-q # (new), quiet package creation
(G) -m $me # (new), sets the given as the package maintainer
# `sde target`
# Interacts with the target's directory
sde target list [$flag [$flag [...]]]
# list the targets (and their branches) which are registered for a given
# set of flags
list $target
# list the branches registered on the directory of a give target
update [$target [$target [...]]]
# updates one, more or all the targets on this tree
get $target [-branch $branch]
# gets a read-only copy of a target on the current tree (recursivly)
rename $target $newtarget
# changes the id a target is using on the current tree (and on the configs)
switch $target [-branch $branch] (-ro|-rw)
# change a target to a different branch or between rw/ro repositories
# `sde cleanup`
sde cleanup # removes inactive src.*/ directories lingering around
-download # removes files at download/ which are no longer needed
-cache # removes ccache caches
-build $builddir [$builddir [...]]
# removes complete builddirs