This set of CD's may contain packages that are not allowed to be redistributed
due the nature of their respective license.
Clarification of terms:
SDE - System Development Environment
User - the user of a distribution generated with the T2-SDE scripts
Integrator - the user or users of the T2-SDE scripts generating a distribution
Developer - the developers of the T2-SDE providing and developing
the scripts
(1) Users that receive such a set of CD's via public distribution
should report the mis-use to the developers of the T2-SDE
(2) The integrator of this distribution has acknowledged that this
set of CD's may contain packages with a restricted license which
depending on the respective licensing details could restrict
the redistribution of these packages.
(3) The developers of the T2-SDE scripts are not responsible and deny
any liability for the mis-use of their efforts to provide a flexible
system development environment respective distribution build kit.
The developers have added resonable checks to make sure, the
integrator is aware of the licensing issues involved with this