TarDiBa - Database Server
Operating System
- linux-vserver (included in vserver package and applied automatically)
- grsecurity (we have to use stable Linux-VServer + grsecurity patch)
Filesystem Layout
mountpoint fstype size
- filesystem, probably reiserfs (fast)
- tweaked boot for high performance
- tweaked kernel, highmem, disk access and stuff
Database System
- various maintanace scripts (for now using them for backups
and vacuuming)
- jump to pg8
- autovacuuming has to be disabled with the postgresql.conf
postgresql has a logging facility that drops every statement to log
before it get's executed.
in certain conditions those logs are of very big interest.
legal issues and profiling issues.
problem is that if i enable that systems goes 10 times slower because
of the huge statements that has to be written to disc.
On a bussy server they can easily reach 10th of MB per day.
30-40 but that is quite rare
usualy under 10MB
- implementing a logging facility to RAM, flushing logs in
background to disk
- usually i am only interested in those statements
we have to consider to flush the logs from the ramdisk if we restart
pg perhaps
- we need to test a postgresql.conf option that only logs statements
that take more time than a specified period (i.e. 5min.)
- problem is that that option doesn't work too well like the option
to kill iddle statements
- problem is that pg does not recognize blocked processes like the
ones which are idle in transaction. an iddle in transaction proces
blocks the whole db (no selects, no updates, no nothing). the only way
out of it is to kill -9 the process
- killing postgresql processes
- postgresql has 2 kinds of processes (the parent postmaster
process which is allways active and child postmaster processes
which are born from the master when it receives a statement)
- problem is that childs are forks so whenever i kill a child,
all childs die that sucks somehow
- so instead of killing childs we usualy restart the postmaster but
that has to have another solution too, just that i was unable to
find it
- is there any possib to kill a forked child withoput killing all
childs? (maybe there are some kill statement options for that)
- normally each child should have an own PID
- i use kill -9 $PID
- most probably the parent "thinks" there are problems if one
child dies and kills them all
- next thing is that only the master postmaster is alive. i
couldn't get a concludent answer from #postgresql. all that i
got was 'Don't kill -9 postmaster.
- maybe instead of trying to kill processes we should add pgpool
capabilities to TarDiBa, harvesting in this case other benefits
too like fixed number of connections and the posibility to play
with replpication thingy and loadbalancing
Backup System
- backup is done by shell scripts and cron (change? not likely)
- backups on other machines (over scp for other linux hosts, samba
for `secure` Windows2000???, eventually a pro backup app although i
don`t think it is necessary, maybe for whole system recovery)
- we should investigate synbak which seems nice and even if it
doesn't have PostgreSQL capability that doesn't look too hard
to implement.
System Monitoring and Notification
in order to prevent catastrophic events we need propper informations
about the state of our servers.
our catastrophic events fall into three categories:
- hardware failures (for which we need early warning), especially hard drive
failures (RAM testing would not be a bad ideea, but i think we must pass on
it due to the horrific time that a full RAM test takes).
- OS related failures (which are not failures per se, but states of incapacity
to fullfil the demand), in this category we need to monitor the hard drive
usage of our backups, postgres runaway processes, establish CPU and RAM usage
patterns (aka CPU and RAM usage peek points and their reasons).
- postgres related failures, in which category we include unpredictable DB
behaviours like shutdowns, incapacity of serving certain querries, and most
important queries (aka processes) in dubious state (aka IDLE IN TRANSACTION).
our monitoring solution must gather information about all these issues, plus
as a bonus we like to gather some infos about DB patterns, like most used
queries, longest running sql statements, some info about connections IP, time
and so on. Once this info is gathered it must be delivered in a form of a
report via mail or other means in a prioritized fashion (in order to easily)
recognize the most important ones. On the other hand we want that info stored
localy on the server too in a DB for profiling reasons.
- monitoring disk space, backup files dimensions, excerpts from
certain log files, system status and stats (cpu usage, ram etc), monitoring
pg sessions because the internal pg monitor sucks, we need a good policy on
killing iddle sessions and runaway processes.
- monitoring network traffic is a good meassurement as well. From one side it
helps to find possible network related bottlenecks on the other it also
provides valuable information for intrusion detection.
Possible tools:
- sancp (prelude aware!)