easy-cloud.net - generic server node
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

85 lines
764 B

O *
X fhs
X sysfiles
X linux-header
X glibc
X ncurses
X readline
X gettext
X tzdata
X busybox
# toolchain
X gcc
X binutils
X flex
X ccache
X libtool
X automake
X autoconf
X pkgconfig
X gmp
X libmpc
X mpfr
X ppl
X cloog-ppl
# toolchain for chroot
X make
X patch
X diffutils
X tar
X bzip2
X gzip
X texinfo
X bison
X perl
X m4
X findutils
X sed
X gawk
X time
# core userspace
X runit
X socklog
X ipsvd
X bash
X bcron
X coreutils
X util-linux-ng
X mine
X stone
X socklog
X openssh
X shadow
X dialog
X ssmtp
X openssl
# extra but important tools
X grep
X less
X vim
X procps
X sysstat
X lftp
X net-tools
X zlib
# needed by cronlog
X bglibs
X ucspi-unix
# rrd capability for every node
X rrdtool
# needed by rrdtool
X intltool
X perl-xml-parser
X expat